Villa Vegezzi

Brief history of Villa Vegezzi di Turro (Podenzano), better known as "The Palace."

It was the site of a monastery of the Gerolamini monks of San Savino since the 15th century.It suffered in the early 19th century from expropriation as ecclesiastical property by a Napoleonic decree. During the 19th century,after several changes of ownership, it came to the Vegezzi-Meneghelli family originally from Canton Ticino.At the end of the century Davide Vegezzi renovated both the manor house and the buildings for agricultural use, creating a structure recognized in 2007 as "significant evidence of residential architecture," and therefore subject to protection, by the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of the Province of Parma and Piacenza. In the years 1899/1900 Francesco Ghittoni created the frescoes that decorate the entrance and main hall of the manor house, a happy testament to the work of the Piacenza painter and the enlightened patronage of the time.

The recent renovation, from which the current appearance of the part used as a Bed & Breakfast derives, was carried out with special attention to space,construction criteria and original materials ( vaulted and terracotta ceilings, terracotta and beola floors, period fixtures and furnishings)